A unanimous municipal council said yes to 16 new residential plots in Unbyn and the possibility of building contractor housing at Boden Business Park.
The City Council’s agenda on 20 June included two issues concerning decisions on new detailed development plans.
One of these was about the land area at Boden Business Park. The purpose of the detailed plan is to enable a continued investment in the development of Boden Business Park. The idea is a business park with flexible use in different types of business activities with a special focus on creativity and meeting places. The detailed development plan enables the land to be used for housing, hotels, health care, trade, education, downtown purposes, offices, non-disruptive activities and temporary stays.
Examples of how the area can be designed. Illustration: MAF Architect’s Office
We have previously said that there are already a number of interested developers who want to build and establish themselves in the area. Land instructions have been submitted to Hermelinen who wants to build a health center, PART AB who wants to build a hotel with entrepreneurial housing, COOP Norrbotten who wants to build a supermarket and BoKoop who wants to build student housing. There are also more companies that are interested in building homes and businesses in the area.
Illustration of hotel “Snöflingan” that Part AB wants to build, Illustration by Andreas Stenman, Part AB.
The second detailed development plan that was negotiated concerned a new residential area in Unbyn, with the possibility of creating 16 new residential plots. In Boden’s municipality’s general plan, Unbyn has been identified as a core area based on its strategic geographical location and as a service location. The municipality of Boden also has the ambition to promote and enable people to move to the countryside and thereby try to achieve the municipality’s population vision of becoming 31,000 inhabitants by 2025. Part of this is to enable new building rights for residential purposes with attractive locations and a new detailed plan would make this possible.
Illustration of current planning area.
Both proposals were accepted by the City Council without any objections or debate.
The decision must now be registered.
Once this is done, it takes three weeks before the decision becomes final. It is during that period that the decision can be appealed.
You can read more about the planning process’s steps on Boden municipality’s website:
Here are the approved detailed plans:
Link to Boden.se