Point house at Ica Nära Sävast, business premises, new lengths with two-storey houses and high-rise buildings on ten floors. This is the vision when BodenBo plans for the future buildings on Potatisvägen. “We want to mark a center in Sävast”, says Johan Johansson, CEO of BodenBo.
BodenBo already has a number of properties with two floors on Potatisvägen and Mandelvägen in the vicinity of Ica Nära Sävast. About two years ago, the then community building office was given the task of starting work on a new detailed plan that enables higher properties in the area. Bodenbo owns the land.
– We saw the area’s potential, here we need to do more, says Johan Johansson, CEO of BodenBo.
Now the detailed plan will soon be ready. It recently went out for review, which is the second round that nearby residents and other stakeholders can submit comments before the plan proposal goes up for decision by the City Council.
Illustration of the shading that the proposed building height would entail at 9:00 at the spring equinox, from the proposal for a detailed plan for the area.
Apartment complex in the center
To mark a center in Sävast, BodenBo wants to build four apartment complexes on five floors adjacent to the Ica store.
– On the one hand, there must be housing but also some form of service connected to the houses, such as a hairdressing salon or restaurant. We want to create meeting places so that people feel connected, it is important to build that community, says Johan Johansson.
Today, there are from one to four in the area and Johan sees a need for different sizes also in the future, but thinks that there may be a little smaller apartments in the apartment complexes. On the plots where houses have been demolished, BodenBo plans to build new two-storey houses.
– We imagine a little more modern townhouses, four and five bedroom apartments of around 100 square meters, hypothetically, says Johan Johansson.
At the same time, an upgrade of the outdoor environments in the area is also planned.
High-rise building with views
The part of Potatisvägen that is furthest from the grocery store has a high location that BodenBo wants to use.
– Here we see that we could build on the height, ten floors. Then we get the building height up properly and a view of the entire Luleå river valley. Here we are thinking of twos and threes and slightly larger apartments on the top floors, says Johan Johansson.
Read more: New plan proposal enables high-rise buildings in Sävast
Illustration of the area from proposal to detailed development plan.
Highly realistic
Johan Johansson admits that the vision did not really feel feasible in earnest when the work started two years ago, but now the situation is different.
– Now it is highly realistic, considering H2 Green Steel’s establishment. But it is a huge project and it is not clear yet how it will be implemented, whether we will build everything at once or in stages, he says.
Bodenbo has bought the building that today is located between Potatisvägen and Ica and was used as a church until the mid-1990s. It is planned to be demolished to utilize the site for new buildings, as well as Potatisvägen 4 when the agreement with the Swedish Migration Board expires.
– We want to preserve the forest grove behind Potatisvägen 4 towards the cycle path, it will be a curtain towards the surrounding buildings. The forest is an asset in itself and provides added value to the entire area, says Johan Johansson.
Johan Johansson, CEO, BodenBo. Photo: Mats Engfors / Fotographic.