In the sub-project skills supply first phase, a holistic approach is taken to the common labor market in Boden, Luleå and the region in order to quickly obtain the skills needed. In principle, all industries will grow directly or indirectly through new establishments.
The ongoing establishments in our region are estimated to provide 100,000 new inhabitants in Norrbotten and Västerbotten in the near future. The growth rate is extremely fast and has already started around one of northern Europe’s largest battery factories, Northvolt in Skellefteå. The establishments discussed in Boden follow similar patterns. It is not just a matter of obtaining the required specific competence for the new establishments, but also of filling in all the industries and professional groups that are affected around.
Magnus Åkerlund, sub-project manager and head of administration at the Labor Market and Education Administration in Boden.
– We know that care, school and care are already in short supply due to demographics. They will be needed even more and there we must meet and bring in more people, says Magnus Åkerlund, sub-project manager and head of administration at the Labor Market and Education Administration in Boden.
Construction workers are another group that will certainly be needed fairly immediately already in the construction phase of the new establishments.
– There we collaborate with the construction industry in the county and also review the education system with adult education, polytechnics and more.
Lowest unemployment in the country
The professions affected are bus drivers, tourism, trade and service professions of all kinds. The more people who move here, the more it spills over into other industries.
We can expect a movement within the country from areas that have higher unemployment than Luleå-Boden which has the lowest unemployment in the country together with Gotland. Of today’s unemployed, it is estimated that a certain number will be able to get the new jobs.
Other skills must be attracted internationally. Some of those who may be moving here may also have respectively with them that need to be matched with other types of workplaces, the children should be guided to the right schools and so on.
Want to welcome and educate
Magnus Åkerlund talks about “competence attraction”. It’s about hosting and creating an alert structure that gives interested parties a soft landing here with us. And to be one step ahead with the required education, at all levels, from attracting high school students to in-demand professions to being quick to help people in the municipality and county who want to retrain to the professions in demand. Internships here from training in other places, organized return campaigns and connection to national training actors are just a few examples of measures that may be taken.