Climate change can affect our local environment through, among other things, floods and high temperatures. The municipality of Boden has been granted support from the County Administrative Board for climate adaptation.
During the autumn, the County Administrative Board of Norrbotten had a call for funds for knowledge-raising initiatives for climate adaptation. The municipality of Boden submitted an application for two in-depth initiatives and was granted the maximum amount of SEK 46,000.
Boden’s municipality’s handling of climate adaptation as an integral part of the municipal strategy has already attracted national attention. The municipality’s strategy was nominated for the Strategic Prize and actors such as SMHI, and Hållbart Samhällsbyggande highlight the work of the municipality of Boden as a good example.
Takes the work a step further
The County Administrative Board’s funds mean good conditions for continued climate adaptation work in the municipality of Boden. The support will be used for two knowledge-raising initiatives, partly a heat mapping of the urban areas of Boden and Sävast, and partly an in-depth analysis of flood risks in central Boden.
– It feels fun to get funds to be able to go further and analyze the effects of climate change for geographical areas. It will be a broad analysis base that will be used by several administrations in planning, operation and maintenance, says Emma Lundqvist, community building strategist at Boden municipality.
The municipality of Boden adapts the municipality to ensure, among other things, floods and heat waves.
Longer heat waves
Climate analyzes for the municipality of Boden show that the average annual temperature in the locality will increase and at the same time as the heat waves will be longer. Heat waves can affect socially important functions and are dangerous especially for vulnerable groups. The municipality of Boden will now produce a heat survey for Boden and Sävast, through a map simulation in GIS based on the Swedish Public Health Agency’s guidelines. This can form the basis for, as an example, the conservation of green areas and shady trees in residential areas.
Analyzes flood risks
In 2017 and 2019, the flood risks for the Bodensjö system were mapped. The material will now be analyzed to assess whether there may be grounds for a decision on an increased level of planning for construction, due to the risk of flooding as a result of climate change. Both efforts will be performed by a consultant.