Team Boden ready to create new homes from derelict buildings
The national creative team has been selected! Under the heading “Waste houses in the river valley”, they will generate ideas for new solutions in the
The national creative team has been selected! Under the heading “Waste houses in the river valley”, they will generate ideas for new solutions in the
Boden municipality is now releasing municipal plots in Sörbyn and Gunnarsbyn for sale. The plots were presented in connection with the company breakfast in Sörbyn
Lindbäcks and the housing developer Cederfors from Gothenburg are starting a new partnership. Together they will develop around 200 homes at Tjärnbacken in central Boden.
The Robbegård-Hussami family’s forest land was redeemed for the green industrialization of Boden. Twice! Last time they chose not to take replacement land. Instead, they
The first temporary entrepreneurial housing is now in place at Nylandsbäcken in Boden. Occupancy is expected to take place in May-June. Nylandsbäcken in Boden was
My Gårdman, 21, from Södertälje, is one of the first employees at the newly established and growing Saab MRO Arctic Boden. She is one of
Naveena Inavolu and Sailaja Pampana are two of a growing number of accompanying H2 Green Steel employees creating a new life in Boden. Now Sailaja
Boden is one of six municipalities in the Visions in the North project, which now invites creative national teams to work together to create proposals
Boden is growing and now a detailed plan for new housing is out for the centrally located area of Tjärnbacken. The site has a land
Björknäsgymnasiet in Boden is now authorized to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). This authorization means that the upper secondary school in Boden offers
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