
Dialogue on entrepreneurial housing in Sävast
Dialogue meetings have been held with residents in the area around Fruktvägen, Sävast, where contractor housing is planned. The municipality of Boden, H2 Green Steel

Green planning on the agenda in Boden
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the Norrbotten County Administrative Board and 10 municipalities in Norrbotten have met in Boden for a dialog on green planning.

Detailed plan for areas close to horses and horse activities in Boden
horse in winter landscape

The person behind the vision of sustainable Boden
Mocked with the words “Europe’s largest dump”. Now the area could instead become one of Europe’s centers for new environmental technologies. Nordmark AB’s offices are

Boden Cleantech Center: A catalyst for green technology
In Boden, industry meets innovation for a more sustainable future. Here, the Boden Cleantech Center is emerging as a powerful catalyst for green technology. The

Meet the companies behind the railway investment in Boden
The company Polar Structure is not only investing heavily in building a railway to the Boden Industrial Park, but also has a long-term plan for

Family businesses in Boden invest in the future
Two companies in Boden are making significant investments and building brand new facilities to expand their operations. A contributing factor is the green societal transformation

Now H2 Green Steel starts building at height
Another milestone has been reached for H2 Green Steel at Boden Industrial Park. After more than a year of land preparation and foundation work, the

World-class athletes recharge in the vicinity of Storklinten
“One of the best places in the world”, says Sara Hector, elite alpine skier, after her days in Storklinten. During an intense autumn, much of

Coop Norrbotten invests in local food production
Coop Norrbotten aims to strengthen the county’s local food production and turn ideas into reality by investing in “competent capital”. The member-owned food chain Coop

Why Boden is the perfect location for future food production
Boden has the ultimate conditions to develop and test the sustainable food production of the future. During a seminar on this very theme, researchers and

Release of generous plots in Unbyn village
On December 1, Boden Municipality will release 16 new plots in Unbyn. The land release is part of the municipality of Boden’s strategic effort to