Seven kilometers of pipes will be built to transport water to H2 Green Steel’s operations. It is also an opportunity for Boden to review parts of the existing water network.
When H2 Green Steel starts producing green steel in Boden, they will need access to relatively large amounts of process water.
To solve this, the municipality of Boden has applied for and been granted permission to pump 2,000 liters of water per second from the Lule River. This corresponds to about 20 standard bathtubs per second.
– There is a lot of water, but at the same time the average flow in the river is about 500 cubic meters per second, our permit is two cubic meters per second. It’s about a few thousandths,” says Magnus Bäckström, water and sewage strategist at the municipality of Boden.
To transport the water to the industrial area, new pipes are needed. These will be built underground, from Bodsvedjan to Boden Industrial Park. The construction is expected to take just over a year and will be paid for by the company Solör Bioenergi.
Construction will take place in stages and largely on municipal land. But even though it’s outside the city center, many residents of Boden will feel the impact of the work.
– “There will be some noise during the day and at times there will be some impact on traffic in the area,” says Peter Holmberg, project manager at the municipality of Boden.
Parts of the existing water network in the municipality of Boden are now being reviewed.
The investment in the process water also gives the municipality an opportunity to review the existing water and sewage systems in these areas and upgrade the pipes. The operational life of the new pipelines is estimated at 100 years and the investment is made to ensure that Boden can grow and develop during that time.
– Much of our system was built in the 60s and 70s and in order for us to grow as a municipality, we need to review critical parts of the infrastructure for the next generation. We have already done this in other places and now we have an opportunity to do it in a new area,” says Magnus Bäckström.
The upgrade of Boden’s water network is part of the municipality’s forward-looking urban planning. With these investments, Boden aims to not only meet the needs of today, but also prepare for the future of several generations.