According to the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions’ quality measurement of the municipalities’ exercise of authority and service to entrepreneurs, “Öppen jämförelse Företagsklimat”, Boden municipality is still one of Sweden’s best in several categories and the highest ranked Norrbotten municipality.
For the tenth time, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions(SKR) has conducted an open comparison in the area of business climate. The survey is conducted in collaboration with the Stockholm Business Alliance (SBA). 207 municipalities and 13 federations/joint administrations have participated in the 2022 survey. The survey is based on the analysis model “Customer Satisfaction Index” (CSI).
The survey covers six regulatory areas: fire protection, building permits, land tenure, environmental and health protection, food control and catering licenses. For these six areas, questions are asked about information, accessibility, treatment, competence, legal certainty and efficiency. As of 2020, the area of procurement is also included in the survey.
Overall, the survey shows that businesses attach great importance to the efficiency, attitude and commitment of public authorities. The municipality of Boden has been the best in Sweden overall for two years in a row. This year, Boden was ranked number eight in Sweden, only two points below the winner Hörby in the overall ranking. Boden thus has the highest ranking in Norrbotten and, together with Kalix municipality, is the only one of the county’s municipalities in the top ten overall. The closest of Norrbotten’s top municipalities is Kiruna in 27th place, followed by Piteå in 111th place.
Boden is number one in the ranking for building permits, land tenure and serving permits.
“We are in the top tier at a national level, which shows that we are managing many important and complex processes well, although we are constantly striving to improve. This is an ongoing area of development and improvement. The fact that we stand out in our handling of building permits and land leasing is gratifying and will be a success factor in the ongoing societal transition,” says Mats Berg, Head of Business Development.
The survey is a quality measurement of municipalities’ administration and service to businesses. It shows in which areas of authority and services the entrepreneurs consider that the municipalities work well or less well and what they need to improve. By offering the opportunity to compare services between municipalities and between different areas of authority in the municipalities, SKR hopes to contribute to the municipalities’ development work in the area of business climate.
Photo: Mats Engfors/Fotographic